Although Accepted By Italy, Spain, Ozone To Treat Viruses & Covid19 Remains A Sidelined Science Worldwide, Still Stoicism of Ozone Doctors Continues !! – Dr Sudhir Dole

This blog is ( to be updated continuously depending on reviews and sound arguements as well continuous udates recieved worldwide, last updated on 26th April 2020, 4th update after 22nd April 2020) is planned to bring verified information, news, references of publications & research papers which are peer reviewed at one platform, to furthermore be accepted worlwide and help the world to believe, bring awareness not just to practice the art and science of ozone therapy but to elimiate the myths and fallacy based on unsound arguements often experienced on internet and offline both. ” The truth prevails ” is believed by both the lobbies who belive or disbelieve ozone therapy, so let the science be above everything and us, no matter which country,government or FDA accepts this science or not, let the force be with the power of a medicine which heals this world and any disease, especially the current outbreak i.e. Coronavirus Pandemic.
Disclaimer: though everything represented on our website regarding the science of ozone comes directly from reputable publications, books and scientific journals; and though thousands of these articles are available on official NIH government websites (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/) none of them have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and the FDA has not certified, endorsed or approved any of the scientific findings as methods of treating or diagnosing any diseases or illnesses. Ozone Experts as Doctors practising ozone therapy Believe in its therapeutic benefits to combat 114+ diseases since 150 years and keep on doing its research, doing clinical trials and publish it in reputed journals which are later peer reviewed and accepted by many worldwide and update
1. Current treatment options under trials for SARS-CoV-2 :
The SARS-CoV-2 virus emerged in December 2019 and then spread rapidly worldwide, particularly to China, Japan, and South Korea. Scientists are endeavoring to find antivirals specific to the virus. Several drugs such as chloroquine, arbidol, remdesivir, and favipiravir are currently undergoing clinical studies to test their efficacy and safety in the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China; some promising results have been achieved thus far. This article summarizes agents with potential efficacy against SARS-CoV-2.
Drug Discov Ther. 2020;14(1):58-60. doi: 10.5582/ddt.2020.01012.
2. A systematic review on the efficacy and safety of chloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19.
J Crit Care. 2020 Mar 10. pii: S0883-9441(20)30390-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2020.03.005.
Cortegiani A1, Ingoglia G2, Ippolito M2, Giarratano A2, Einav S3.
There is rationale, pre-clinical evidence of effectiveness and evidence of safety from long-time clinical use for other indications to justify clinical research on chloroquine in patients with COVID-19. However, clinical use should either adhere to the Monitored Emergency Use of Unregistered Interventions (MEURI) framework or be ethically approved as a trial as stated by the World Health Organization. Safety data and data from high-quality clinical trials are urgently needed
3 First Clinical Trail as ozone therapy, an additional alternative therapy to the existing treatment options for faster recovery & lowering the no. of fatalities.
Tianjin Huanhu Hospital at Tianjin, China did a clinical trial and registered it on 2020-02-23, whereas through a letter, they confirmed 4 cases treated successfully with ozone therapy and the clinical trial is under review : A multicenter randomized controlled trial for ozone autohemotherapy in the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)ical Trials first time in the world : http://www.chictr.org.cn/showprojen.aspx?proj=49747

4. ITALY Became the first country to report first successful ozone therapy treatment for covid19 patient with reduction of deaths and faster recovery in few hospitals.
Marianno Franzini, international president of SIOOT (Scientific Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy) holds the contribution for its execution with protocols and guidelines to use it as autohemotherapy. An italian deputy officer reported to be treated with ozone therapy successfully and thanks ozone thearpy as well recommends to all doctors to use it further. Claudio Pedrazzini: Covid-19 hit me, thanks to the ozone oxygen I recoveredClaudio Pedrazzini, a Lodi member of the Mixed Chamber group, was the first Italian member to be found positive at Covid-19.Interviewed by “Orbisphera”, he recounted his experience
On Friday 6 and Saturday 7 March I had a small fever that came and went.Monday 9 March I had a temperature of 37.5 degrees which remained constant. So I decided to take the test immediately and the following day they informed me that I was positive.I immediately informed the Chamber of Deputies and entered quarantine.Over the next five days, I had a high fever above 38 degrees and felt short of breath.The Covid-19 virus was attacking my lungs.I already knew the benefits of oxygen ozone therapy, which is why I immediately made two large auto-infusions (GAE) in a few days, consisting in the withdrawal of a quantity of blood that is ozonated and re-infused.Together with GAE, I drank three or four glasses of ozonated water every day.I also did breathing exercises several times a day.Within 9 days, after practicing four GAEs, drinking ozonated water and doing breathing exercises, the fever disappeared, as did the feeling of shortness of breath. And all the medical parameters are back to normal.On 24 and 26 March I made two consecutive swabs, the results of which confirmed my complete recovery. There is no longer any trace of the Covid-19 virus and the state of health is excellent.I can say with certainty that ozone oxygen was instrumental in making me recover quickly.I already knew the properties of ozone therapy and practiced it as a precaution because I had a heart problem at the age of four.When the infection occurred from Covid-19 I immediately thought of resorting to oxygen ozone.The virus attacks the microcirculation of the lungs, heart, liver and kidneys. I knew the studies and good results of ozone oxygen to heal people suffering from severe pneumonia.I had listened with great interest to the report that prof. Marianno Franzini, international president of SIOOT (Scientific Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy), had held at the Chamber’s Social Affairs Commission on July 4, 2019.In that circumstance, Franzini had illustrated the results of the oxygen ozone therapy to contrast the antibiotic resistance. One of the cases shown referred, in fact, to a patient with very serious pneumonia.For this reason, as soon as I tested positive, I immediately had a GAE practiced.Covid-19 is a virus that must be dealt with as soon as possible with oxygen ozone, it must be neutralized immediately to avoid the harmful effects of the infection that lead people to worsen up to the need to use intensive care.The oxygen ozone therapy has contributed significantly to my recovery, and has done so in a short time, much less than foreseeable.For these reasons, I believe that it is necessary to make known and practice ozone therapy, as per the protocol of the Scientific Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy (SIOOT), to as many doctors as possible.Ozone therapy is highly effective, has very low costs, limits the course of the disease and has no secondary or residual effect.I know that many doctors don’t know about oxygen ozone therapy, and that there are also biases. I believe it is time to overcome them and practice ozone therapy in a vast and widespread way: in this way we will be able to break down Covid-19 effectively and quickly “.Interview by Antonio GaspariOrbisphera directorwww.orbisphera.organtonio.gaspari@orbisphera.org

5. Major Autohemotherapy Ozone Treatment in Italy :
According to reports from the Italian Scientific Society of Ozone Therapy (SIOOT), 15 hospitals have started using Major Autohemotherapy (MAH) ozone treatments on patients with Coronavirus infections.
A report issued on April 9th 2020 by the Italian society offers an informal and preliminary tally. It says that so far 46 Covid-19 patients have been treated with ozone therapy, 11 of them were intubated at the beginning of the therapy.
After 5 ozone therapy treatments the following results were observed:
- 6 of the 11 patients have been ex-tubated so far (55%)
- 3 of the 11 were still intubated (27%)
- 28 of the 46 patients did not have to be intubated (61%)
- 4 of the 46 patients have passed away (9%)
- 5 of the 46 patients have recovered (11%)
- 2 of the 46 patients tested negative (4%)

6. Spain successfully use ozone therapy to treat covid19 in few hospitals
In a press release the clinic said “Many patients who were about to be intubated and connected to mechanical ventilation have, thanks to ozone therapy, not only avoided it but improved to the point of not requiring oxygen with just a few treatment sessions.”
The clinic also stated that they are seeing improvements in patients after just ‘2 or 3 treatment sessions’. Ozone therapy has the benefit of improving oxygenation at the tissue level and therefore reduces the inflammatory response suffered by patients.

The First Patient in Ibzia, Spain treated with ozone therapy
A 49-year-old man who had already required ICU admission was deteriorating on the ward. He had deteriorated to the point that he required oxygen at the highest concentration and yet it was oxygenating his lungs poorly. Intubation and connection to a ventilator was planned, but surprisingly, after the first session of Ozone therapy, the improvement was significant and oxygen requirements could be decreased.
Dr. Alberto Hernández explained that “the improvement after the first session of Ozone treatment was spectacular. We were surprised, his respiratory rate normalised, his oxygen levels increased, and we were able to stop supplying him with as much oxygen since the patient was able to oxygenate himself. To our surprise, when we carried out an analytical control, we observed how Ferritin, an analysis determination that is being used as a prognostic marker in this disease, not only had not followed the upward trend, but had decreased significantly; that decline continued in the following days. This result encouraged us to administer it to other patients who are following the same improvement as our first patient. “
7. World Federation Of Ozone Therapy shows support for the protocol of ozone therapy treatment for Covid19 based on publications in international journals :
The protocol was submitted to many hospitals in italy on basis of relevant papers published in internationsl journals and was first approved by ethical committees concerned in those states including university of La Sapienza in Rome, Italy.

8. Worldwide Ozone Doctors unite and recommend respective countries to use it :
After italy and spain, ozone therapy was recommended in US, Europe, India and others by the respective ozone experts in the country and the pioneers. Only Italy & spain executed the trials successfully till now and the rest are awaiting in the name of FDA Approval, myths about it, misinformation spread or for the other medicines to heal it and bring the numbers down than the ozone therapy effects it better. Petitions are filed by many and signed by thousands. The experts are worldwide awaiting for its execution in their respective countries.

9. Petition to US FDA & White House, Washigton, USA : Patients with advanced Covid-19 disease are avoiding going on ventilators using treatments that have been developed in Europe and in use for many years. These treatments involve using ozone to purify the blood and bolster the immune system.
We are receiving NUMEROUS reports from doctors in Spain and Italy showing highly successful treatments of advanced Covid-19 disease and major reductions on patients even needing ventilation.
We ask that our government encourage hospitals to permit physicians trained in these therapies to care for their hospitalized patients as well as in their clinics.
With simple, safe, and effective ozone treatments, hospitalizations and death rates can diminish significantly.
Also see this :

10. Texas Right to Know Calls on US to Consider COVID-19 Ozone Therapy After It Shows Promise in Italy
BRADY, Texas, April 2, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — With a coalition of state, national and international physicians and researchers, Sheila Hemphill, CEO of Texas Right to Know, is calling to action US state and federal agencies to consider the use of medical ozone as a safe adjuvant therapy option for the treatment of COVID-19.
“While physicians in other countries are using medical ozone for treatment of COVID-19, few physicians in the United States are using this safe, inexpensive, adjuvant therapy,” states Hemphill. On April 1, Hemphill conducted an on-line meeting featuring Italian physician, Marianno Franzini, President of the Scientific Society of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy (SIOOT) International, Robert Rowen, MD, RowenSu Clinic, Santa Rosa, California, several US physicians and researchers, and a university participant from Greece.
11. Ozone disinfection at home is also recommended by many using air ozone generator with output 400mg/hr which is below the dose approved by FDA. here is a video demo for the same :
12. Ozone therapy Clinical perspectives :
From a scientific perspective ozone:
- Stimulates mitochondrial function and causes an increase in mitochondrial numbers within every cell in your body. This results in a remarkable stimulation of the regenerative capacity and activity in every organ, tissue and gland in your body.
- Increases the metabolism of your red blood cells (glycolytic ↑ATP)
- Increases blood flow (perfusion) throughout your entire body (↑nitric oxide)
- Increases oxygen delivery to all your tissues. (↑2,3,DPG)
- Boosts your immune system
- Increases production of Interferons… which are your body’s prime defense against viruses
- Directly attacks the viral capsid … “shell” of all viruses… killing them
- Causes an increase in the generation and release of growth factors (from platelets), which helps healing and regeneration of damaged tissues.
Ozone Therapy A Clinical Review :
According to the article linked below, here is the chronological use of ozone therapy with its mechanism of action and clinical trials since 1987.
J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2011 Jan-Jun; 2(1): 66–70.doi: 10.4103/0976-9668.82319PMCID: PMC3312702PMID: 22470237 A. M. Elvis and J. S. Ekta
History Of Ozone therapy : Ozone therapy has been utilized and extensively studied for many decades altogether. Its effects are proven, consistent and with minimal side effects. Medical O3, used to disinfect and treat disease, has been around for over 150 years. Used to treat infections, wounds and multiple diseases, O3‘s effectiveness has been well-documented. It has been used to disinfect drinking water before the turn of the last century. Ozone was known to treat as many as 114 diseases.[11] Ozone therapy has been in use since the 1800s and in 1896 the genius Nikola Tesla patented the first O3 generator in the US, later forming the “Tesla Ozone Company.”[12] During the first world war (1914-18) doctors familiar with O3‘s antibacterial properties, and with few other medical resources available to them applied it topically to infected wounds and discovered O3 not only remedied infection, but also had hemodynamic and anti-inflammatory properties.[13] In the late 1980s, reports had emerged that German physicians were successfully treating HIV patients with 03-AHT (Autohemotherapy). There was then no pharmaceutical treatment for HIV and a pandemic was feared, so Canadian authorities authorized the study to test safety and efficacy of 03-AHT in AIDS patients. Ozone had shown promise in in vitro testing. Ozone was seen effective at disinfecting extracorporeal blood samples of HIV; unfortunately for AIDS patients, 03-AHT proved to be an in vivo ineffective treatment
Wells KH, Latino J, Gavalchin J, Poiesz BJ. Inactivation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 by ozone in vitro. Blood. 1991;78:1882–90.
Carpendale MT, Freeberg JK. Ozone inactivates HIV at noncytotoxic concentrations. Antiviral Res. 1991;16:281–92.

Inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa: Ozone therapy disrupts the integrity of the bacterial cell envelope through oxidation of the phospholipids and lipoproteins. In fungi, O3 inhibits cell growth at certain stages. With viruses, the O3 damages the viral capsid and upsets the reproductive cycle by disrupting the virus-to-cell contact with peroxidation. The weak enzyme coatings on cells which make them vulnerable to invasion by viruses make them susceptible to oxidation and elimination from the body, which then replaces them with healthy cells.[26]
Mechanism Of Action : Stimulation of oxygen metabolism: Ozone therapy causes an increase in the red blood cell glycolysis rate. This leads to the stimulation of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate which leads to an increase in the amount of oxygen released to the tissues. Ozone activates the Krebs cycle by enhancing oxidative carboxylation of pyruvate, stimulating production of ATP. It also causes a significant reduction in NADH and helps to oxidize cytochrome C. There is a stimulation of production of enzymes which act as free radical scavengers and cell-wall protectors: glutathione peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase. Production of prostacyline, a vasodilator, is also induced by O3

13. Virucidal effect of ozone treatment of laboratory animal viruses.
Jikken Dobutsu. 1990 Apr;39(2):223-9.
Sato H1, Wananabe Y, Miyata H.
An ozonization method was used to inactivate the viral pathogens of laboratory animals. Ozone at a concentration of over 100 ppm with high humidity was highly virucidal against 4 RNA viruses: HVJ, Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV), Reo type 3 virus (RV) and murine hepatitis virus (MHV). For the ozone tests, 0.1 ml of a virus suspension in deionized water or saline and was placed in 35-mm dishes. The titer of 10(6) plaque-forming units of TMEV in a liquid-phase, which was highly stable against physical treatments, was reduced within 1 hr to a level of 0 by 300 ppm of ozone at 80% humidity and 22-25 degrees C. HVJ and MHV were more susceptible than TMEV to the ozone treatment. RV was the most resistant of the 4 viruses. The ozonization method may be a good way to disinfect not only for the laboratory animal RNA-viruses (both of enveloped and unenveloped viruses) but also animal rooms, clean rooms and even safety cabinets.
14 A new ozone-based method for virus inactivation: preliminary study.
Phys Med Biol. 1997 Nov;42(11):2027-39.
National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
The nebulization technique reported here could be used to inactivate viruses with ozone in large volumes of body fluids, such as plasma, partial blood and perhaps whole blood in a short time. Coliphage MS2 was used as a model because it is safe, easy to handle and more resistant to chemical disinfections than viruses such as HIV. The theoretical curves and experimental points, describing ozone inactivation of MS2, form a semi-sigmoid of congruent data. There was a > 7log10 reduction in MS2 viability and the possibilities of minimizing the ozone concentration required to kill viruses are indicated. The analysis was expanded to account for the interaction of ozone with a virus suspension in the shape of a thin film from the experimental findings of Bolton et al. We again find a semi-sigmoid of congruent data for their case, i.e. describing ozone inactivation of the influenza A virus (WSN strain) and the vesicular stomatitis virus versus time. For the method of nebulization, the exposure time of droplets with ozone is a few seconds, whereas for the thin film method the exposure time is measured in hours.
15. Also see article: A Plausible “Penny” Costing Effective Treatment for Corona Virus – Ozone Therapy Rowen RJ, Robins H (2020) A Plausible “Penny” Costing Effective Treatment for Corona Virus – Ozone Therapy. J Infect Dis Epidemiol 6:113. doi.org/10.23937/2474-3658/1510113
“The world already has a most inexpensive, safe, and likely effective remedy for deadly viral diseases, which exploits their redox vulnerability at critical membrane cysteine/tryptophan fusion sites. Ozone therapy could be easily deployed worldwide, even in very poor countries. With few conventional treatments for viral pneumonia, this epidemic could provide impetus to study ozone therapy very ethically under the auspices of an institution’s review board in treating, with ozone therapy, seriously ill patients, who might otherwise expire. Milder cases could also be treated to study the ability of ozone therapy to slow or halt clinical deterioration. Such study could bring ozone therapy to the forefront of all-around infectious disease management, providing answers to our growing problems with resistant infection. Governments should take notice.”
16. Peer Reviewed Articles of Medical Ozone Therapy

1 Ozone for Disinfection
H2O2 Nebulization for COVID-19
Disinfecting Cloth Face Masks
Development of a Practical Method for Using Ozone Gas as a Virus Decontaminating Agent
Our objective was to develop a practical method of utilizing the known anti-viral properties of ozone in a mobile apparatus that could be used to decontaminate rooms in health care facilities, hotels and other buildings. Maximum anti-viral efficacy required a short period of high humidity (>90% relative humidity) after the attainment of peak ozone gas concentration (20–25 ppm). All 12 viruses tested, on different hard and porous surfaces, and in the presence of biological fluids, could be inactivated by at least 3 log10, in the laboratory and in simulated field trials. The ozone was subsequently removed by a built-in catalytic converter.
2 Ozone: General Review Articles
Ozone therapy: an overview of pharmacodynamics, current research, and clinical utility

A . Ozone therapy: A clinical review
J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2011 Jan-Jun; 2(1): 66–70.doi: 10.4103/0976-9668.82319PMCID: PMC3312702PMID: 22470237 A. M. Elvis and J. S. Ekta
Ozone (O3 ) gas discovered in the mid-nineteenth century is a molecule consisting of three atoms of oxygen in a dynamically
unstable structure due to the presence of mesomeric states. Although O [sub]3 has dangerous effects, yet researchers believe it has
many therapeutic effects. Ozone therapy has been utilized and heavily studied for more than a century. Its effects are proven,
consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects. Medical O [sub]3 is used to disinfect and treat disease. Mechanism of
actions is by inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa, stimulation of oxygen metabolism, activation of the immune
system. Medication forms in a gaseous state are somewhat unusual, and it is for this reason that special application techniques have
had to be developed for the safe use of O3 . In local applications as in the treatment of external wounds, its application in the
form of a transcutaneous O3 gas bath has established itself as being the most practical and useful method, for example at low
(sub-atmospheric) pressure in a closed system guaranteeing no escape of O3 into the surrounding air. Ozonized water, whose
use is particularly known in dental medicine, is optimally applied as a spray or compress. Diseases treated are infected wounds,
circulatory disorders, geriatric conditions, macular degeneration, viral diseases, rheumatism/arthritis, cancer, SARS and AIDS.
B. The Ozone Paradox: Ozone Is a Strong Oxidant asWell as a Medical Drug
Velio Bocci, Emma Borrelli, Valter Travagli, and Iacopo Zanardi
Published online 3 March 2009 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).
DOI 10.1002/med.20150
CITATION : Emma Borrelli, The Use of Ozone as Redox Modulator in the Treatment of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Oxidative Stress in Lung Diseases, 10.1007/978-981-32-9366-3_18, (413-426), (2019).
Abstract: After five decades characterized by empiricism and several pitfalls, some of the basic mechanisms of action of ozone in pulmonary toxicology and in medicine have been clarified. The present
knowledge allows to understand the prolonged inhalation of ozone can be very deleterious first for the
lungs and successively for the whole organism. On the other hand, a small ozone dose well calibrated
against the potent antioxidant capacity of blood can trigger several useful biochemical mechanisms and
reactivate the antioxidant system. In detail, firstly ex vivo and second during the infusion of ozonated
blood into the donor, the ozone therapy approach involves blood cells and the endothelium, which by
transferring the ozone messengers to billions of cells will generate a therapeutic effect. Thus, in spite of a
common prejudice, single ozone doses can be therapeutically used in selected human diseases without
any toxicity or side effects. Moreover, the versatility and amplitude of beneficial effect of ozone applications have become evident in orthopedics, cutaneous, and mucosal infections as well as in dentistry.
C. Reliable and effective oxygen-ozone therapy at a crossroads with ozonated saline infusion and ozone rectal insufflation
Velio Boccia, Iacopo Zanardib, Emma Borrellic and Valter Travaglib
a Dip. di Fisiologia, b Dip. Farmaco Chimico Tecnologico and c Dip. di Chirurgia e Bioingegneria, Università degli Studi di Siena, Siena, Italy
Objectives This review aims to highlight the advantages and safety of oxygen-ozone
therapy (OOT) and to suggest ways to enhance its acceptance.
Key findings The treatment of a herniated disk by injecting a gaseous oxygen-ozone
mixture inside the nucleus pulposus is a great clinical success. However, the use of
OOT lags for a number of reasons, including lack of standardization, the need for
numerous treatments, lack of knowledge and even denial. Anecdotally, several
million treatments by OOT have been performed worldwide indicating its usefulness, mainly in peripheral arterial diseases and age-related macular degeneration.
The scepticism that accompanies the systemic use of ozone can only be overcome by
demonstrating the validity of OOT in controlled and randomized clinical trials.
Cheaper and quicker methods, such as ozonating physiological saline with successive infusion as well as ozone rectal insufflations, are becoming popular, however,
such alternative procedures are erratic, unstable and liable to be toxic, with deleterious consequences, and are likely to discredit the beneficial use of ozone.
Summary The approval of ozone in terms of both therapeutic efficacy and safety
will depend on the results achieved by authoritative clinical trial
3. Ozone and Infectious Disease—Pandemic
A. Ozone and oxidation therapies as a solution to the emerging crisis in infectious disease management: a review of current knowledge and experience
Medicine faces crisis with emerging “super bugs,” lethal viruses (Ebola), and stealth pathogens such as tick-borne infections. Thousands are
dying worldwide of once easily treatable diseases. Ozone therapy, extensively studied, may be a valuable adjunctive or stand-alone therapy.
Ebola again ravages Africa with over 2000 already dead, carrying a 65% mortality rate. The world desperately needs safe, inexpensive and
effective anti-infective therapy to which microbes will not develop resistance. Oxidation therapies have shown an extremely high safety
profile, lacking credible reports of significant injury beyond vein irritation. Ozone therapy, the most studied and least expensive to perform, is
in itself a germicide, not an antibiotic, and improves several physiological parameters essential for infection defense. Recent reports indicate
very favorable responses to both bacterial and viral disease, inclusive of Ebola. Despite lack of commercial profitability (not patentable),
medicine would do well to revisit its pre-antibiotic era oxidation therapy roots, especially ozone in the current crisis.
Key words: ozone therapy; Ebola; infection therapy; antiviral; antimicrobial; antibiotic; germicide; immune modulation; biofilm; Lyme disease
doi: 10.4103/2045-9912.273962
How to cite this article: Rowen RJ. Ozone and oxidation therapies as a solution to the emerging crisis in infectious disease management: a
review of current knowledge and experience. Med Gas Res. 2019;9(4):232-237.
B. Preliminary Results of Ozone Therapy as a Possible Treatment for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C
Charlie C.L. Xue, Anthony L. Zhang, Vivian Lin, Cliff Da Costa, and David F. Story
Published Online:25 Aug 2007https://doi.org/10.1089/acm.2006.6355
Objective: To investigate the use of and expenditure on 17 of the most popular forms of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) by adult Australians, sociodemographic characteristics of CAM users, and communication between CAM users and their doctors.
Methods: In May–June 2005, a sample of 1067 adults, 18 years and older, from all Australian states and territories, was recruited by random-digit telephone dialing and interviewed about their CAM use in the previous 12 months.
Results: In the 12-month period, 68.9% (95% CI: 66.1%–71.7%) of those interviewed used at least one of the 17 forms of CAM and 44.1% (95% confidence interval: 41.1%–47.1%) visited a CAM practitioner. The estimated number of visits to CAM practitioners by adult Australians in the 12-month period (69.2 million) was almost identical to the estimated number of visits to medical practitioners (69.3 million). The annual “out of pocket” expenditure on CAM, nationally, was estimated as 4.13 billion Australian dollars (US $3.12 billion). Less than half of the users always informed their medical practitioners about their use of CAM. The most common characteristics of CAM users were: age, 18–34; female; employed; well-educated; private health insurance coverage; and higher-than-average incomes.
Conclusions: CAM use nationally in Australia appears to be considerably higher than estimated from previous Australian studies. This may reflect an increasing popularity of CAM; however, regional variations in CAM use and the broader range of CAM included in the current study may contribute to the difference. Most frequently, doctors would not appear to be aware of their patient use of CAM
C. Inactivation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 by Ozone In Vitro
Does Ozone Therapy Normalize the Cellular Redox Balance? Implications for the Therapy of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Several Other Diseases
Inactivation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 by Ozone In Vitro
By Keith H. Wells, Joseph Latino, Jerrie Gavalchin, and Bernard J. Poiesz
A device was designed to deliver a constant source of given
concentrations of ozone to fluids containing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Ozone was found to inactivate
HIV-1 virions in a dose-dependent manner. Greater than 11
log inactivation was achieved within 2 hours at a concentration of 1,200 ppm ozone. Similar concentrations of ozone had
minimal effect on factor Vlll activity in both plasma and
immunoaffinity-purified preparations of factor Vlll treated
A. Extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation: clinical and biological implications of ozone therapy
Extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation: clinical and
biological implications of ozone therapy
N. Di Paolo1 , E. Gaggiotti2 , F. Galli1
Nephrology and Dialysis Department, University Hospital of Siena, Italy 2
Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Applied Biochemistry and Nutritional Sciences,
University of Perugia, Italy
Some lines of evidence have suggested that the challenge to antioxidants and biomolecules
provoked by pro-oxidants such as ozone may be used to generate a controlled stress response of
possible therapeutic relevance in some immune dysfunctions and chronic, degenerative conditions.
Immune and endothelial cells have been proposed to be elective targets of the positive molecular
effects of ozone and its derived species formed during blood ozonation. On the bases of these
underlying principles and against often prejudicial scepticism and concerns about its toxicity, ozone
has been used in autohemotherapy (AHT) for four decades with encouraging results. However,
clinical application and validation of AHT have been so far largely insufficient. Latterly, a new and
more effective therapeutic approach to ozone therapy has been established, namely extracorporeal
blood oxygenation and ozonation (EBOO). This technique, first tested in vitro and then in vivo in
sheep and humans (more than 1200 treatments performed in 82 patients), is performed with a highefficiency apparatus that makes it possible to treat with a mixture of oxygenñozone (0.5ñ1 µg/ml
oxygen) in 1 h of extracorporeal circulation up to 4800 ml of heparinized blood without technical or
clinical problems, whereas only 250 ml of blood can be treated with ozone by AHT. The EBOO
technique can be easily adapted for use in hemodialysis also. The standard therapeutic cycle lasts for
7 weeks in which 14 treatment sessions of 1 h are performed. After a session of EBOO, the
interaction of ozone with blood components results in 4ñ5-fold increased levels of thiobarbituric
acid reactants and a proportional decrease in plasma protein thiols without any appreciable
erythrocyte haemolysis. On the basis of preliminary in vitro evidence, these simple laboratory
parameters may represent a useful complement in the routine monitoring of biological compliance
to the treatment. The clinical experience gained so far confirms the great therapeutic potential of
EBOO in patients with severe peripheral arterial disease, coronary disease, cholesterol embolism,
severe dyslipidemia, Madelung disease, and sudden deafness of vascular origin. Extensive
investigation on oxidative stress biomarkers and clinical trials are under way to validate this new
technique further.
Effects of Ozone Oxidative Preconditioning on TNF-αRelease and Antioxidant-Prooxidant Intracellular Balance in Mice During Endotoxic Shock
V.Bocci,1,CA G.Valacc hi,1 F.Corradeschi 1 andG.Fanetti21
Institute ofGeneralPhysiology,UniversityofSiena,
ViaLaterina8,53100 Siena;2 BloodBank–Azienda OspedalieraSenes
C.Ozone in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Oxygen ozone therapy in the treatment of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease: An integrative approach
Emma Borrelli1, *, Velio Bocci2
1Department of Medical Biotechnologies, University of Siena, Italy
2Department of Biotechnologies, University of Siena, Italy
To site this article: Emma Borrelli, Velio Bocci. Oxygen Ozone Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: An Integrative
Approach. American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Vol. 2, No. 2, 2014, pp. 9-13. doi: 10.11648/j.ajcem.20140202.11
Abstract: A pilot study has been performed on fifty COPD patients: besides using effective drugs, half of the patients
have been treated also with major ozonated autohaemotherapy. This treatment has been evaluated during the last two
decades and is absolutely atoxic: the treated patients have shown a significant improvement of the six minute walking test
and Saint George Respiratory Questionnaire total score. Surprisingly their quality of life was also much improved.
Orthodox medications appears to be greatly potentiated when integrated by the autologous infusion of ozonated blood. This
combination deserves to be evaluated in an ample clinical trial.
5.OZONE & Palliative Care :
Oxygen-ozone therapy as support and palliative therapy in 50 cancer patients with fatigue – A short report
Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: Fatigue may be cause
by all cancer treatments, maybe because the tissue damage or the build-up of dead cells derived
in Sacile, Pordenone, Italy, from February 2016 to
May 2018 we studied 50 patients with cancer and
fatigue (15 with breast cancer, 12 with lung cancer,
11 with colon cancer, 5 with renal cancer, 3 with
prostate cancer, 2 with melanoma and 2 hepatocellular carcinoma). Patients were treated with
Auto Hemotransfusion (GAE) according to the
SIOOT (Scientific Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy) protocols, two times a week for one month
and then twice monthly as maintenance therapy.
RESULTS: Nineteen of them were undergoing neoplastic treatment, 10 had already ended
the cancer therapy and 21 were in a palliative
setting. The Fatigue Severity Scale was used to
assess the extent of fatigue in patients, in order
to estimate the severity of the symptom with a
score from 1 to 7. No side effects were found,
and 35 patients (70%) achieved a significant
improvement (> 50%) of the symptoms.
CONCLUSIONS: Our preliminary data demonstrate that ozone therapy is a valid supportive
therapy for fatigue in cancer patients, both during
cancer therapy and in a palliative setting with no
significant side effects.

Dr Sudhir Dole Ozone, Dentist by profession, a passionate ozone therapist, dedicatedly working over awareness of the ozone therapy in india and worldwide. He is a trainer and member of internation association of ozone and healthcare, have lectured 67 times in india, once in London,UK and trained 2000+ dentists personally one-to-one as well 10000+ dentists with online training. He proposed to Government Of India and the State government where he residesat Mumbai, through email, social media, twitter, phone calls, whatsapp to look into this science as a treatment option and a disinfection protocol too.He feels the fatalities can be brought down with addition of ozone therapy as a treatment in addition to the current protocols, even 1 person is benefitted of any countri, that counts him a lot and will be grateful to the government for the same.